E.A. Eversmann Zoological Museum and Herbarium

E.A. Eversmann Zoological Museum and Herbarium

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At the beginning of the exposition there are plaster models of foraminifera shells, openwork skeletons of sponges, showcases with actinia and madrepore corals. Further the exposition with a collection of worms unfolds: leeches, polychaetes and worms - parasites of humans and animals. There are also echinoderms, a collection of mollusk shells and various crayfish. About 10 thousand specimens of insects are in the exposition of the entomological hall of the museum. You find yourself surrounded by amazing creatures, striking the imagination with their bizarre body shape, richness and brightness of colors. Halls of vertebrate animals begin with the exposition of skulls and skeletons. In the ichthyologic hall there is a large collection of fish of the world fauna. The sturgeon hybrids are interesting. In the herpetological hall you can see stuffed and wet exhibits of amphibians and reptiles of the world fauna. The collection includes a stuffed animal of the most primitive modern reptile - gatteria. The exposition of the ornithological hall consists of one and a half thousand stuffed birds. Among the exhibits there are a large number of rare and specially protected species of the world fauna: birds of paradise, South American tinamu, trumpeter and goacin, kiwi, Australian honeycreepers. The Hall of Mammals contains about three hundred exhibits of mammals - from primates to higher primates. Among the unique exhibits of the museum is the only stuffed animal of the extinct zebra, the quagga, in Russia.
