"The avant-garde. On a cart in the XXI century"

"The avant-garde. On a cart in the XXI century"

We offer you to visit the exhibition "Avangard. On a cart in the XXI century" with a master class on prints on paper: creating a drawing in an abstract style.

In 1921, local enlightenment-enthusiasts Evgeny Medvedev, Sergei Yakimov, Sergei Vshivtsev and Nikolai Belyanin organized the Third Itinerant Art Exhibition, which was to travel through seven cities of Vyatka Province. For this purpose, 322 works by 55 artists were collected from Moscow, Petrograd, Vyatka and Kazan, including both masters of realistic painting and avant-garde artists.

avant-garde artists. Paintings, graphic works and sculptures were transported on carts, as in those years it was the only available form of transportation in the country. But the exhibition managed to take place only in Sovetsk and Yaransk, after which it was impossible to transport the works due to the autumn roadlessness and lack of funds - and until the end of the XX century they remained forgotten in the vaults of museums in Vyatka province. Thanks to Anna Shakina, Andrei Sarabianov and Ildar Galeyev, the history of the traveling exhibition of 1921 became known again, and the works were taken out of the storerooms.

In 1921, the public's reaction was not always favorable - many works by contemporary artists were not understood by the audience. Today, visitors can appreciate the diversity of Soviet art from the first two decades of the 20th century and the scale of the original exhibition assembled for the province.

Venue: Exhibition hall "Public places", 2nd entrance.

For information by phone: Ksenia Gavrilova +7(927)038-97-40

[email protected]