Volga river trip on a speedboat

Volga river trip on a speedboat

from 113

There is no river cruise in Russia like the Volga river cruise. No cruise that places you so completely in another place and time. Europe's longest and largest river stretches from Ivan the Terrible to Peter the Great to Catherine the Great, and on into today, where live along Russia's central artery looks very much like it always has — the churches, the villages, the people, comprising scenes from an old painting you may swear you have seen in a gallery. This Russian river tour will promise you an unforgettable afterglow you've never experienced with any other river cruise before. Our trip is mostly suitable and recommended for those, who appreciate serene atmosphere to reinvigorate inner resources and emotional state. The visitors, who feel vim and vigor for new adventures, enjoying the Russian river cruises with us, will also be pleasantly surprised. Being all about personal approach, the Volga cruise in Russia offers the most exquisite experiences as you explore the hauntingly beautiful regions of this enigmatic country. We are honored to host you with all we prepared for your worthy time leisure. We sincerely hope that our home-felt reception will meet your expectations.
