Illusions in Art. The exhibition “Don't Believe Your Eyes”

Illusions in Art. The exhibition “Don't Believe Your Eyes”

Wonder at the skill of artists of the past. But to make the game more exciting, take the time to read the clue on the label!

The Hermitage-Kazan Center invites you to a fascinating game of unraveling trick objects that were created by artists and craftsmen of the past. An exhibition that will impress both adults and children.

The exhibition “Don't Believe Your Eyes. Illusions in Art” presents paintings, graphics, sculpture, decorative and applied art from the collection of the State Hermitage Museum, which demonstrate the variety of types of deceptions from the XVI to the beginning of the XX century.

One section of the exposition includes modern deceptions, which were created especially for the exhibition in Kazan by artists and sculptors of the Imperial Porcelain Factory in St. Petersburg, who continue the ancient traditions of virtuoso execution of various deceptions.

Deceptions in art are illusory images, so masterfully presented to the viewer that he takes them for reality. Deceptions play with the perception of the beholder, making the flat seem three-dimensional, close - distant, and inanimate - alive.

The exhibition “Don't Believe Your Eyes. Illusions in Art” is an interactive immersion into the world of unusual art with playful children's zones, flavor stations, multimedia and tactile stations, where the works invite you to a fascinating game of unraveling deceptive objects in art!

Venue: Kazan Kremlin Museum-Reserve

Hermitage-Kazan Center 2nd entrance, 3rd floor

For information by phone: +7 (843) 567-80-32, +7 (843) 567-80-34

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